Saturday, March 31, 2018

Weather Conditions for March at NearSys Station

Below are the weather conditions recorded at NearSys Station. A new weather station has permitted the recording of additional information.

Less than one inch of precipitation was recorded during March. Only one day saw snow.

The air pressure slightly increased (on average) during March.

The air temperature continued its slow climb.

There was a drop in the relative humidity during the third week of the month.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Cloud Altitude at NearSys Station, 24 March 2018

At 5:30 PM MST, NearSys Station was 100% overcast with stratus.

The UAVSonde reported the temperature at ground level was 51.6 F and the relative humidity was 19%. At 400 feet AGL, the air temperature was 49.0 F and the relative humidity was 19%. That's a lapse rate of 6.5 F per 1,000 feet.

According to the thermal imager, the ground temperature was 34 F and the clouds has a temperature of -8 F. Assuming a dry adiobatic lapse of 5.4 F per 1,000 feet, the clouds were at an altitude of 7,800 feet.

Thermal image of the stratus over NearSys Station

Visible image of the same clouds
According to the weather station, the air temperature is 53 F and the dew point is 19 F. Assuming a dry acrobatic lapse rate of 5.4 F per 1,000 feet, the clouds are at an altitude of 6,300 feet.

Averaging the two estimates, the status clouds over NearSys Station have a base altitude of 7,050 feet. According to Wikipedia, straits clouds are no higher than 6,500 feet (2,000 m).

Visibility at NearSys Station, 24 March 2018

The UAVSonde climbed to Flight Level 4 at 5:30 PM MDT. Based on the images returned, the visibility is greater than 50 miles.

Looking east

Looking north

Looking south

Looking west

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

24 Hour Temperature and Relative Humidity at NearSys Station, 20 March 2018

I left the datalogger on the front porch this time. It was protected from the worst of the weather and its data is not as accurate as a result.

A warm and dry breeze began at around 4:00 PM MDT and can be seen in the data.

Monday, March 19, 2018

UAVSonde Data for NearSys Station, 19 March 2018

The UAVSonde carried the new Amprobe temperature and relative humidity datalogger to an altitude of 400 feet AGL. Here is the data recorded.

At prop start:
Temperature = 54.9 F
Relative Humidity = 28.2%

At takeoff:
Temperature = 52.5 F
Relative Humidity = 29.5%

At 400 feet:
Temperature = 52.4 F
Relative Humidity = 26.4%

At descent:
Temperature = 51.9 F
Relative Humidity = 27.5%

So on average
Ground: 53.9 F and 28.9%
400 feet: 52.5 F and 27.0%

Sunday, March 18, 2018

All Sky Photometer, 18 March 2018

The morning started clear than the afternoon, as can be seen in today's Photometer data.

Starting just before 2:00 PM MST, the sun began passing behind clouds.

Cloud Temperatures

Cumulus clouds over NearSys Station made me wonder how the temperature across them changed. So I recorded two thermal images using the Seek Reveal and detected a 12 degree difference between the coldest and warmest portions of the cloud.

The ground temperature was 20 degrees F while the warmest and supposedly lowest portion of the cloud was -7 degrees. Assuming a dry adiabatic lapse rate of 5.4 degrees per 1,000 feet, the cloud base was at an altitude of 5,000 feet. The highest point of the cloud was 2,200 feet higher.

Colder and presumably higher portion of a cumulus cloud

The cloud's warmer ba

Visibility at NearSys Station, 18 March 2018

The UAVSonde flight this morning indicated the visibility was at least 50 miles.

Looking east

Looking north

Looking south

Looking west

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Bright and Dark Cumulus Clouds

I noticed that some of the cumulus clouds today were producing light drizzles. Some of the cumulus were darker than others and this made me wonder if they had a different temperature than the brighter clouds. The visible and thermal images below indicate there may be a small amount of temperature difference. The brighter white portion of the background cloud is slightly darker in thermal infrared and therefore slightly higher.

Visible light image

A thermal image of the same cloud

Cloud Altitude Experiment #2

Cumulus clouds filled the sky over NearSys Station. Since I hadn't tried to measure the Altitude of these clouds using both the thermal imager and new weather station, I made an attempt after I got home.

The thermal imager indicated the ground temperature was 33 degrees and the cloud temperature was 4 degrees. Assuming a dry adiabatic lapse rate of 5.4 degrees per thousand feet, the base altitude of the cumulus clouds over NearSys Station was determined to be 5,400 feet.

The weather station indicates the air temperature was 57 degrees and the dew point was 29 degrees. Assuming a dry adiabatic lapse rate of the air temperature until it reached the dew point indicated that the altitude of the clouds was 5,200 feet.

That's a pretty good agreement. And the altitude makes sense because cumulus clouds are typically between 1,500 and 10,000 feet AGL.

A visible image of a cumulus cloud over NearSys Station.

A thermal image of the same cloud (the picture is one degree colder that I initial saw).

Visibility for NearSys Station, 15 March 2018

The UAVSonde recorded images of the horizon at around 6:30 PM MDT. The visibility is at least 50 miles.

Looking west

Looking north

Looking east

Looking south

UAVSonde Data for NearSys Station, 15 March 2018

I flew the UAVSonde to an altitude of 400 feet while collecting temperature, relative humidity, and visibility data.

Here are the data
Ground Altitude
Temperature: 55.4*F
Relative Humidity: 27.7%

400 Foot Altitude
Temperature: 49.6*F
Relative Humidity: 29.8%

The Amprobe TR200 recorded data once per second. In the chart below, the two attempts needed to collect data is apparent. Two attempts were required because the UAVSonde flashed a battery warning during the first ascent. So I had to land the UAVSonde and replace the battery. The UAVSonde remained on station (at 400 feet AGL) for four minutes. The chart below indicates the approximate mid point of the UAVSonde on station.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Determining the Altitude of Clouds

I've wanted to run this test for a while now and finally got around to it.

By measuring the dew point and the air temperature at the ground, I should be able to determine the approximate altitude of the cloud base. Here's why this should work.

On dry air, the air temperature normally decreases by 5.4 degrees F per 1,000 feet. When the air temperature reaches the dew point, the relative humidity reaches 100% and condensation occurs. Now that condensation can occur sooner if the air contains condensation nuclei for water to condense on, so the altitude is not exact.

Before running this experiment, I built a sling psychrometer to measure the air temperature and dew point. You can find the information to do the same thing at,

I also upgraded my home weather station to one that reports temperature, dew point, relative humidity, and air pressure.

I also have a thermal imager that remotely measures ground and cloud temperature.

My test this afternoon found the following information.
Thermal Imager:
Ground temperature  of 40* and cloud temperature of 6*
Weather Station:
Air temperature of 63* and dew point of 34*
Sling Psychrometer:
Dry bulb temperature of 61* and wet bulb if 52*

The temperature difference for the thermal imager indicates a cloud base at 6,300 feet
The temperature difference for the weather station indicates a cloud base at 5,400 feet
The temperature difference for the sling psychrometer indicates a cloud base at 1,700 feet.

The weather station and thermal imager give nearly the same altitude while the psychrometer diverges significantly. So either the psychrometer is not working for me or I still need to learn how to use it properly.

The cloud cover above NearSys Station is stratus, with a little mammatus. Stratus is a low cloud and found at about 6,000 feet. So I suspect the thermal imager and weather station will be pretty good at determining the cloud altitude. Especially if I can get similar results with cirrus clouds.

The cloud cover currently over NearSys Station.

Twenty-four Hour Temperature and Relative Humidity for NearSys Station, 12 March 2018

I made my first 24 hour test of the Amprobe TR200 datalogger. The chart below is my first attempt to show how air temperature and relative humidity vary over a day. You'll see that they vary inversely, as the air temperature gets higher, the relative humidity gets lower. This will hold as long as no additional moisture is added to the local atmosphere.

The datalogger gets hot in the sun, so I'll need to add a sun shield in the near future.

All Sky Photometer Data for 12 March 2018

It became windy at NearSys Station at around noon. so windy in fact that the photometer was blow over. I wasn't until after I got home that I realized the photometer was measuring the intensity of light getting through the grass blades.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

UAVSonde Data for NearSys Station, 11 March 2018

The UAVSonde lifted my new Amprobe TR200-A temperature and relative humidity datalogger at 7:45 PM MDT. I still need to learn how the rest of the datalogger's software yet, but did manage to record data.

We see the air temperature is 60.5 degrees on the ground and 55.0 degrees at 400 feet AGL. The relative humidity is 18% on the ground and 24% at 400 feet AGL.

I plan to design a temporary and portable weather-proof enclosure for the datalogger using Corroplast and 3D printed parts.

UAV liftoff is marked by the cursor at 7:48:48

Visting Walla Walla, Washington

Rachel and I have heard some nice things about Walla Walla in the past. So we decided to drive through last Saturday on the way home. First I have to say, the Walla Walla region has a lot of vineyards and wineries. The town has a lot of wine tasting rooms to support one of their major agricultural businesses. So if you get a chance to visit the college-town of Walla Walla, be prepared for wine tasting.

Downtown is really interesting on Main street once you go east of Second street (there's got to be more than we saw, so please explore more).

Rachel liked the large amount of wine-tasting rooms. There are too many, so we'll go back again in the near future.

I on the other hand likes the Walla Walla Bread company. The pizzas are fired and aren't anything like a chain store pizza.

By the way, I flew my UAV downtown and away from people to record a few memories.

I visited Wenatchee, WA last Friday to give a near space presentation at WITEA (Washington Industrial Technology Education Association). This great conference is a way for Washington education teachers to share ideas for their classrooms. I visit to discuss how to incorporate near space and blend in some science. I always have a great time sharing ideas there.

While in Wenatchee, Rachel and I always make a lunch stop at Pybus Public Market. If you're familiar with Pikes Public Market in Seattle, then you have an idea what Pybus is all about (but on a smaller scale).

And of course, I brought my UAV to record a few memories.

Looking North into Wenatchee.

Pybus Public Market from the east.

Visibility for NearSys Station, 11 March 2018

The sky was mostly sunny at 10:15 AM MDT this morning. Visibilty was at least 50 miles according to images taken from the drone.

Looking south

Looking north

Looking east

Looking west

Friday, March 2, 2018

Ground and Sky Thermal Observation for NearSys Station, 2 March 2018

Cumulus clouds fills the sky over NearSys Station at 4:15 PM MST. According to the thermal imager, the ground temperature is 26 degrees F and the cloud temperature is -6 degrees F.

Assuming a dry adiabatic lapse rate of 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit per 1,000 feet, the cloud base is at 5,900 feet.

Thermal image of a cumulus cloud

Visible image of the same cumulus cloud

Visibility for NearSys Station, 2 March 2018

The UAVSonde recorded images at 4:15 PM MST today. The winds were light and the sky filled with cumulus. Because the Boise Mountain range was visible, the visibility is in excess of 50 miles.

Looking south

Looking west

Looking north

Looking east